Bobby Christman Memorial Fund














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“Get control over your life.  Be a better person to others.  Be productive and love life, because you only have it for so long.  So don’t waste it.”
— Bobby Christman (Twitter 2013)

About Bobby

Robert Thomas Christman III was born in St. Louis, MO on July 19, 1995 to Bob and Dawn Christman, and the oldest brother to Sean and Sydney.  Bobby was a rough and tough kid from the beginning.  He was extremely athletic performing well on the baseball field in elementary and middle school and in high school was a key tackler on the DeSmet High School Rugby team, as well as a state qualifying wrestler his senior year.  After high school Bobby attended Southeast Missouri State and was a member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity.  His charm and enthusiasm was infectious.  His boyish laugh was unmistakable.  

Being the oldest sibling, he had an innate quality of being a protector.  Bobby dreamed of being a Marine.  He planned to follow his dream of enlisting after college.  To him the Marines symbolized all that Bobby was, tough, no fear and standing for what is right.  All of these qualities stood out in Bobby’s final moments.

On Sunday, January 11, 2015, at the age of 19, Bobby was shot during an attempted carjacking in downtown St. Louis.  He was protecting his younger brother and friend.  

Bobby chose to be an organ donor upon getting his driver’s license.  His decision has saved the lives of 5 others who received his heart, lungs, liver, pancreas and kidneys.  Several others benefited from the donation of skin, bone and connective tissue.

2 scholarships have been created in Bobby’s memory.  One scholarship is through Bobby’s fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon at Southeast Missouri State.  The other scholarship is through DeSmet Jesuit High School where Bobby attended.  There are fundraising events each year to benefit these scholarships and our fund.

Heaven gained a hero.